Custom Cards

Here are just a few suggestions (in no particular order) for customizing a card (NB No offence is intended by any omissions or other mistakes in this list. If you would like a card to celebrate - or commiserate - anything not on the list, please get in touch with as many details as possible, including 'don'ts'.):

  • Congratulations!
  • Happy (e.g.  53rd) Birthday/Anniversary
  • Get Well Soon
  • Congratulations for Passing Your Driving Test
  • Congratulations on Your Graduation
  • Happy Baptism/1st Communion/Bar Mitzvah
  • Merry Christmas/Divali
  • Happy Chinese New Year
  • Wedding/Civil Partnership/Gay Marriage

For example, I recently made a card for an eight-year-old interested in craft work, for her birthday and Mormon Baptism combined.

And another for someone who'd passed their driving test at long last. (It featured Action Man and a re-painted Barbie Beach Buggy!)

Custom Cards Request Form

How would you prefer to be contacted?